About Us

Established in 2017, Noble Otter started off as a team of two with one goal in mind; to make mens grooming products the way they should be. We started many years ago in our own home making bath soaps that we felt were better than what was available on the market. One year for Christmas, I got a wetshaving starters kit from my wife and fell in love with wetshaving. I loved the nostalgia, the quality of the shave, and of course the many different scents. I of course, as a hobbiest soapmaker decided to start making my own. And after many test batches and feedback from numerous people, decided it was time to start my own small business.
So why Noble Otter? When I started thinking of a name for our business, I wanted to be different and unique. We started with the idea of telling the story of our scent through art and olfactory experience. Each scent has a unique otter that helps you picture what the experience might be like while using one of our products. Its fun, unique, and engaging at the same time.
Thank you for visiting our site. We will always strive to put the absolute best and most unique products out there. We hope you enjoy everything that you try.
All of our soaps and splashes are handmade in Houston, Texas.